Monday, February 22, 2010

White Knight Chronicles

White Knight Chronicles


Upon completing WKC it occurred to me that many game play flaws can be forgiven if I don't have to endure them for all that long. I hate reviews that proclaim something is flawed as if that were something new or unique. Every game has its flaws...this should go with out saying. The question is are said games flaws overwhelming enough that they kept you from having a good time? As far as I'm concerned that would be no in regards to WKC. Yes it has its share of issues. First and foremost its waaaayyy to easy. I think I died maybe once early in the game and that was it. I never once feared for my parties "life". Big boss fight...big deal. Just make sure Leonard has enough AC so you can morph into the titular White Knight and you're solid. Magic use was a bit...well it seemed useless. With the exception of the occasional healing spell and status boost I never used it (though the A.I. that controlled my other party members loved to lol) Also what there is of a "skill tree" is rather weak. Getting back to how easy the game is...I was never eager to get to that skill tree so i could boost my characters. Many times I would be in my menu and just happen to notice...oooh skill The necessity was never really there to get new snazz moves I'll prolly never use. So add up all these negative qualities and It sounds like I didn't really enjoy this game. Well thats not entirely true...for two reasons. One the game is (as I mentioned earlier) extremely brief. Had this gone on much longer and I'm not sure I would have been motivated to complete it. Then there is the fun factor....I had a lot of fun with this game. The combo system was a blast as was commanding the knights. I also rather enjoyed the cliche'd but kinda twisty story. 

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