Monday, March 22, 2010

Star Ocean: The Last Hope International

Star Ocean: The Last Hope International 


SO4 (this is the fourth installment in the series making for a decidedly easier abbreviation) is able to pull off to varying degrees most of the standard RPG genre requirements.  For one it has one hell of a fun combat system that in and of itself makes the game worth playing. The combat is so fun that the standard RPG "grind" for experience never felt all that was fun. There is enough depth to the mele combat mechanics alone to have fun add magic/ranged combat to that list and you double the fun. Unfortunately this is where the games strong points end and just about every other element suffers from one or more major flaws. Character customization amounts to mere augments that is well thought out but hardly constitute making the characters "yours". The story is filled with Japanese RPG cliches which in and of itself wouldnt be that bad if it wasn't so boring. Over and over I kept waiting for the story to kick into gear and get me excited and it just never happened. This is mostly due to the episodic nature of the plot. Though the parts never fuly come together to form one solid narrative. From a technical stand point the visuals are good enough its the art direction I take issue with. For a grand space opera style adventure the environments are kinda bland...and frankly it all feels much more like standard fantasy locations than real sci-fi. Though there are some overtly futuristic looking dungeon ares all in all (like the story) it felt kind of boring. The real draw here is the fun you have playing the game and its this fun that easily overcomes the afore mentioned shortcomings but I can easily see how it might not end up like this for you. 

Monday, March 15, 2010

Initial thoughts of Final Fantasy 13

Initial thoughts of Final Fantasy 13


Games can take a while to complete, as I don't get to play them 24/7 it can take a while to get a complete review up. So I thought I'd post some early thoughts/impressions of the game so far. Im about six or so hours into the game and it really feels like its coming into its own. Its a bit of a slow start to say the least. You go though quite a few stupidly easy battles that feel like they exist just so you have something to do besides watch the gorgeous cut scenes. And make know mistake they are gorgeous. Eventually the fun aspects of the battle system are opened up and you can stop wondering if you wasted sixty dollars. I have to say that I'm rather enjoying the game quite a bit at this point. It super fun to play and the story is one of the more original game plots I've had the pleasure of viewing. Sure the characters are cliched but the scenario is unique enough to make up for that. It will be interesting to see how much my final thoughts will differ from my early impression of the game. Suffice to say it would have to take a serious turn for the worse to change my mind though. 

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Power of Branding part 2

this blog post is intented as a responce to  [url=]this[/url] article

Though I admire producer Yoshinori Kitase comments on their fresh approach to FF gameplay. I do question the notion of branding this game within the standard roman numeral FF series and not seeming to understand what that brand means. As far as I'm concerned the brand now means little to nothing more than the game needs to be Japanese (done) and tell a cinematic story (done). If those are the requirements it seems to get the FF brand then it sounds like FF13 fits the bill.
Sarcasm aside one could make the argument that Kitase intentions to create a new genre are admirable though I would love to challenge him as to why this new genre attempt didn't get its own brand new franchise designation (either some sort of sub set of FF or a new name entirely).